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Resentments: A Somewhat Normal Strategy

Snap Judgement

Resentments can be fatal but you already know that. After years of clinging to some oldies but goodies, I finally decided to let them go. It was the new ones I was now concerned with. I found that for some odd reason, my everyday travels and activities were resulting in trivial situations which were starting to build internal steam. I decided it might be worthwhile to implement a new strategy instead of just stewing with potential delusions of revenge.

On the flip side of the bipolar coin I also had to admit I was not a very complimentary and positive feedback kind of guy. Enter modern technology. When I pulled my head out of...ya January of 2016 as a result of my lil sis buying me an iPhone, I decided to pay attention to what the world had been up to in my absence. The world had indeed changed.

In my years of hiatus from high tech guru I noticed people talked less to one was in there best interest to be rated highly either on their job or as a customer or as a business. Enter my cure for resentments part 1. There is just no end to surveys and text advertisements and emails and offers and customer satisfaction ratings.

One day I received a text coupon for subway. I decided to use the coupon at the local store. When I presented the coupon proudly on my phone, I was informed that they did not honor that coupon. I told the young clerk “No problem” and just paid full price.

I sat down at the table eating my lunch and inspired by pretty much nothing, decided I was angry that the coupon was not honored. I decided to make an online complaint and the results were amazing. I received an email and phone call from the owner looking to make restitution for this tragedy. I subsequently received a free sandwich and an apology and a promise to be served better in the future and that my business was appreciated. Resentment prevented.

I remember thinking I am clearly onto something here. I tried it again and again when I was disgruntled with the circumstances at hand and the result was remarkable. Electronic resentment prevention. Now, let's take this a step further I thought.

What about those serving the public that serve proudly in any situation with kindness, tolerance, patience and respect...and proficiency to boot? I decided to post compliments on Yelp and other online sites and apps to complement and give back to those who I daresay may even be working a spiritual program.

The bottom line is this...I'm kind of tired getting on my knees and praying for people that get my goat. Direct Digital Disgruntlement Displacement is my new solution.

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